
July 4, 2013

1 - Lot reserved

I thought it would be fun to document the journey of having our home built. We're literally starting from the ground up... and then more so because I have always wanted an excuse to blog about something. Vernon keeps teasing me about it. So we'll see how long I can keep this up!

After deciding to go with a new construction, rather than a resale, we started to drive/look around. Being active sailors, we already knew we wanted something within a 10 minute driving distance from our boat club. Conveniently, that would also mean it was going to be close to Vernon's job. I work from home 90% of the time, so the commute time was less of a concern for me.

After about a month of looking in the small area we mapped out for ourselves, we found what we were looking for. The drive to the boat club, in good traffic conditions, is only 6 minutes! To my office... 10. So awesome! It's a community of smaller homes, surrounded by neighborhoods with much larger (and significantly more expensive) homes. Hoping that will help keep our property value up in future years. The plan we chose will be a little under 1700 square feet. Perfect for just the three of us, can't forget Journey! Plus, I hate cleaning :)

I looked at all the lots in the development on the county assessor's site, noted their size (width and depth), and then we both looked at the plat and picked our order of lot preference. Vernon and I met with the builder on the 3rd to sign our purchase contract, put down our earnest money, and choose our lot. We got the one we want! We were given the address to the location of our new home too.

Can we call it a home yet? It's still just a bunch of dirt. We jokingly said we should ask the builder if we can have a picnic on it while we're still waiting for the lot purchase and permitting to go through. Doubt that's feasible with all the construction going on, but maybe just a quick set up for the sake of a picture?

Now is the waiting game while permits get approved for our plan. They said it could possibly take up to a month, if not more, to get all the paperwork completed before any ground is broken. In the meantime, here's our lot! 

Happy 4th of July! Have fun and stay safe.


  1. YAY! you got the comments working!

  2. Looking forward to the progress reports.


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