
August 27, 2013

5 - I Spy...

... a truck and trailer!

Today, work took place at a facility near our lot. So, of course, after work I had to make the drive to check it out. As I drive down the street, I see a big trailer and movement! I want to say they're grading the lot, but I'm not sure if that's the correct terminology. Whatever it's called... They're flattening the lot and moving dirt around.

Exciting stuff :) Can I officially say we've broken ground?! Or at least scooted some dirt around? You should see the area the city (doesn't look like it's part of the neighborhood based on the final plat plans I saw, but I could be wrong) is developing around the neighborhood. It's like a sea of red clay right now. Gotta love Oklahoma!

I think I'm going to try and come at least once a week to check on progress, but hopefully twice. It's just such a far drive from where we're living now, and I've gotten so spoiled with not having to drive very much. I could probably ask Vernon to do it, but I don't know if I trust his phone photography skills to get a picture I'd like. Maybe a practice round to see how it goes.

I also need to find a good spot to take pictures. One of my coworkers, at least I think it was a coworker, suggested I take a picture from the exact same spot during the build, and it could almost turn into a flip book by the time the house is completed. Brilliant idea, I love it! Now I have to make a trip back up while the lot is just dirt, and snap a pic before they start prepping the foundation.

That port-a-potty has also been in that same place ever since we chose our lot. It's just weird because there were no current houses being built in that little corner over the past month. Now there's construction going on about six lots down, but I guess it's nice to have it right by our curb. Down the road when we've got plumbing and toilets in, hopefully the workers will choose to use that pretty blue green port-a-potty outside instead of ours :)

Can't wait to see what things will look like next week! I feel a little bad for our neighbor. Hopefully she doesn't work a night shift and sleep during the day when the construction crew are doing their thing. That would be four to five months of hell!

Have a good evening!

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